SHINE YOUR LIGHT - Confidence Inspired Online Course


Called to this site by God, you are here for a reason.  Confidence inspired by the Word of God to shine in the Light of Jesus:

  • Win your inner battles through Biblical practices

  • Conquer Indecision in your life

  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs & become your authentic self

  • Defeat the many faces of Fear with intentional action

  • Surmount your feelings of unworthiness

  • Equip yourself through  proven systems that work

  • Break free to Confidence and trust in yourself

  • Watch as your ripple  affects your loved ones

It is time.  Discover, equip & activate your confidence and unique gifts from God so you can build strong, healthy relationships NOW.

Designed to be a 7-week intensive course, and it works best this way, but you can work at your own speed whenever necessary.

 Equipping you with proven strategies that work

And that's not all!


FREE BONUS #1:  One one one call with Coach Karen to work on your specific needs and purposes following Module 6 (Value: $357)

FREE BONUS #2: Consistent feedback from your short answer submissions  (Value $634)

That is a TOTAL BONUS VALUE: $991


FREE BONUS #3: Enhanced enlightenment and wisdom to help you discover, equip you and activate your confidence so you can further discern what will enhance your life, the lives of your husband, the lives of your children, and all the lives you touch...the Ripple Effect!  (Value: Unlimited)

You will begin to see how you can change others lives as well as your own.

**I cannot stress enough how amazing this course is and this first step to a life of wisdom and confidence.


Build and Enhance Your Relationships and Step into Your Authentic Purpose and God's Calling on Your Life

Have you ever worked with a coach? If you haven’t, you are in for a real treat.
Having a personal life coach to guide you serves many valuable purposes, including:

A: It accelerates your growth and you get where you want to go way faster,

B: It’ll save you from making the costly mistakes that actually stop most people from ever even seeing the results they want or beginning this life changing process.

C: The enlightenment and fulfillment is over-the-top crazy wonderful -- just having that one person focused on just you and where you want to go -- wow!

D:  The real bonus comes in when you see the Ripple Effect caused from the change in you and how it changes all the lives of the people around you whom you love and spend the most time with.

And that is just a few of the bonuses, you yourself will discover more as you go through this invaluable course.

If not now, when?  What is the vision for your life?  Discover it here.

**A portion of the proceeds go to a Biblically based charity.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you plan to pay in 2 monthly installments, click here for that checkout

What People Are Saying:

It leaves you wanting more. I was not ready for this to be over. I wanted some more of the good stuff. It took a couple of weeks to really get inside of it all, and then it hit home. I loved the inaction part, and what areas of my life that I can take action on. I am so glad I made THE DECISION to be a part of this blessed study. It changed my life. I am more in tune to God and His plans for me. I have grown spiritually in all areas of my life including my relationships and my work.

Monica Elaine

Kay has a teaching style that makes you want to dig in and pay attention to the lesson and she is a great listener.

Tobi Renshaw-Forbes

Before working with Coach Karen Rothermich I was struggling with anxiety, lack of self worth, depression, and trust issues. She helped me work through the false beliefs I have, and forgiveness that I needed to do and receive, and the feeling as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders alone. Today I am calm, and peaceful. I am happy about my achievements, and God-filled. IF you are struggling with any mental issues or struggles from a lack of confidence and understanding the God-filled truth, I highly recommend working with Coach Karen Rothermich!

Deborah Lyle-Schwenn

I would call Karen a Booster Rocket! Since working with Karen, my vision has gotten bigger, and I am opened up to more possibilities in my life. I've learned prayer time and all that means, and I strive for excellence. I've been tripped up trying to be perfect to excess, but now I understand that God wants my faith and abundant love, not perfection.

Carolyn P.

I joined Kay a while back and just fell in love with her…she is a great listener and has been a huge part of my spiritual growth and confidence…


I love the format! It is so easy to follow. I love all the scripture that is included, which made me stop and think more purposeful. I thought about my goals, but that was really hard for me because of my current situation. This study provided me with extra realization of what I want my life to truly be.

Renee H.

$597.00 USD

OPTIONAL BONUS UPGRADE:  Only available for a limited time!

If you are really ready for a change and want to set yourself up for even quicker growth that will take off "like a rocket" then this is for you!

In addition, to your one free session at the conclusion of the course, you will receive 3 additional one-on-one sessions with the first one following your first module.

These one-on-one, 1-hour sessions that take what you are learning inside of this course and the module you are on, and go deeper and more complete to solidify the change you are ready willing and able to make in your life.  Ask questions, and answer leading questions in order to gain deeper insight and greater strengthening in your walk with Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

Spaces are limited, so join now as we will be shutting this offer down.  There are only so many hours in a day.

Optional Upgrade price $1,070 yours right now for only $897!

I can't wait to meet you and watch you grow in Christ.

The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.

15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.  Luke 8:14-15


“so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” Colossians 1:10

**All teachings are biblically based in the Word of God.

Add this incredible opportunity to you order for $897