You Have a Desire - to be Seen, Heard & Valued

We all do, but somewhere along the way you lost that. In the middle of life's craziness, it started happening...not because of anything you did wrong, but you could not see it. When we are inside of these battles they are not readily apparent. You enter into re-active mode...putting out fires and never stopping to see how it is affecting you and your relationships.

I get it. I've been where you are. My life was nothing like I had envisioned it.

Immersed in fear, guilt, shame, and just completely feeling like an idiot, I became a master at telling myself I was not worthy until I saw the suffering it was causing those around me. Because of the ripple effect, my relationships suffered and my son. And so I went to work and discovered how to change all of that.

If you feel like no matter how hard you try, it's never good enough, you're not alone.

It’s Time To Find That Light

With this self-paced online course along with some one-on-one guidance
you've found a safe place to dig deep and equip yourself with tools to activate your confidence

"After years of struggle and heartache, I found an effective method that moved me from negative self-talk and constant battles with myself and my loved ones to confidence and fulfillment in all areas.

Designed for growth-minded professional women like you who are ready to fulfill your God-given purpose, I don't want you to have to go through everything I did. It was immensely painful. I was broken and alone and hurt deeply.

One night God called me very profoundly. So with the call of God on my life, I am here to guide you using a proven method that worked for me--without all the trial and error that I went through. It has also worked for many of my coaching clients. It will work for you, too.

You get to experience breakthrough much easier and quicker. I can't wait to get to know you and watch you grow in your confidence and the peace Jesus brings us.

Hi, I am Coach Karen Rothermich. I help growth-minded professional Christian women discover, equip and activate their confidence so they can know and fulfill their purpose. I look forward to guiding you to peace, hope and joy."
-- Coach Karen

"I would call Karen a Booster Rocket! Since working with Karen, my vision has gotten bigger, and I am opened up to more possibilities in my life."

~ Carolyn P.

Trainings are Biblically Based to Maximize Effectiveness






Called to this site by God, you are here for a reason. Confidence inspired by the Word of God to shine in the Light of Jesus:

  • Win your inner battles through Biblical practices
  • Conquer Indecision in your life
  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs & become your authentic self
  • Defeat the many faces of Fear with intentional action
  • Surmount your feelings of unworthiness
  • Equip yourself through proven systems that work
  • Break free to Confidence and trust in yourself
  • Watch as your ripple affects your loved ones

It is time. Discover, equip & activate your confidence and unique gifts from God so you can build strong, healthy relationships NOW.

Designed to be a 7-week intensive course, and it works best this way, but you can work at your own speed whenever necessary.

Equipping you with proven strategies that work


Limiting beliefs play a major role in how you think, act and do. In this module you will learn how to discover which ones are holding you back and exactly what to do about them so you can turn your confidence into "wow! I got this!"


Indecision affects your confidence and carries out to your relationships and rears their ugly head in your children and other loved ones. Learn how indecision paralyzes you and keeps you stuck and exactly what you can do about this prevalent problem.


What are they? How they are affecting your life? And, what to do about them? Learn how to recognize this fear and squash it before it stops you in your tracks to bring peace and calm through the Holy Spirit in the face of this fear.


You will learn how our feelings of unworthiness can drive us away from who we truly are and keep us from living our true and authentic self and what we can do to shine in the Light of Christ. This will ripple out to our loved ones in so many ways.


Module 5 teaches you how the "Big 4" have led us to where we are, and that Faith plus Action Brings the Promise of God and how to incorporate Amazing Grace into our lives on a daily basis. You will also learn what that means for not only you, but for your loved ones. You will begin to grow in confidence and watch the ripple effect cause massive change.


The biggest module yet jam packed with tips designed to build you up and those around you. The list of what you learn in this module is long and includes how important our relationships are to a happy life, how knowing our purpose and what God wants for us helps us to focus, how our perspective can lead us into inaction, the ripple effect to your loved ones and your work, and so so so much more! This module is your turning point.


INTENTIONAL FOCUS FOR INTENTIONAL LIVING IN CHRIST But how? In this module we pull it all together so you can know and fulfill your purpose. This will not only bring you peace, but will also ripple out to your loved ones and show up in amazing ways in your relationships. You will further learn how to incorporate these strategies on a daily basis to maximize our love of Christ. And now for the next steps to solidify everything you have learned.



* (Included) Feedback as needed throughout the course via Email and short answer responses.

***(Included) Free one-on-one session with Coach Karen to receive feedback on where you were versus where you are now. And, to gain clarity on where you want to go from here. This is a jam-packed session that will really solidify everything you've learned and will culminate into you--- Shining Your Light with Confidence Inspired by the Word of God through Jesus Christ.

"Before taking (this course) with Coach Karen, I was struggling with limiting beliefs that led me to a life of inaction, feeling inadequate, and not living intentionally.

After completion of this course I have started to live intentionally and take charge of my life knowing that I am worthy and loved by God.

If you are struggling with feeling unworthy, stagnant, and like you are just coasting through life waiting for your next break, I highly recommend taking the course with Coach Karen and learning to confidently walk in the light toward the life of your dreams!"

Monica R.

"Before working with Coach Karen Rothermich I was struggling with anxiety, lack of self worth, depression, and trust issues. She helped me work through the false beliefs I have, and forgiveness that I needed to do and receive, and the feeling as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders alone.

Today I am calm, and peaceful. I am happy about my achievements, and God-filled.

If you are struggling with any mental issues or struggles from a lack of confidence and understanding the God-filled truth, I highly recommend working with Coach Karen Rothermich!"

Debbie S.


Have you ever felt like you just can't get it together? Like no matter how hard you try, everything is a battle? You wished you had the courage to speak up with confidence and share what you are REALLY thinking? But you don't because you are unsure if you even know what you're talking about? Or, worse, if you did, the significant others in your life wouldn't understand and would look at you like you had spinach stuck in your teeth?

Do you feel alone and lonely even when you are not? Do you sometimes feel like you are fake and that as hard as you try to ACT like you have it all together, you really don't? And telling yourself that you're not really all that valuable? Do you love Jesus?

If so, then SHINE YOUR LIGHT Journey to Confidence and Fulfillment class is definitely for you.

We'll help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls. Once you've gotten to know and love who you are on the inside, we'll teach you how to nurture and protect that person as you go through your daily life.


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:


$320/m x 2

2 monthly payments

  • Access to 1 new module every week
  • One on One call with Coach Karen to work on your specific needs and purposes following Module 6 (Value $357)
  • Printable short answer workbook
  • Membership to The Light Finders community
  • Consistent feedback from your short answer submissions (Value $497)
  • Unlimited access to the course...you can take it over and over as a refresher!

A bonus value of $854

for a total Value of $1,451

all for only 2 payments of $320 each month ($640 total)

FREE BONUS: Enhanced enlightenment and wisdom to help you discover, equip you and activate your confidence so you can further discern what will enhance your life, the lives of your husband, the lives of your children, and all the lives you touch...the Ripple Effect! (Value: Unlimited)

Life Changing Transformation!



Save $43

  • Immediate access to all 7 modules-go as fast or as slow as you like
  • One on One call with Coach Karen to work on your specific needs and purposes following module 6 (Value $357)
  • Printable short answer workbook will be delivered to your email
  • Membership to The Light Finders community
  • Consistent feedback from your short answer submissions (Value $497)
  • Unlimited access to the course...you can take it over and over as a refresher!

A bonus value of $854

for a total Value of $1,451

all for only a one time payment of $597

FREE BONUS: Enhanced enlightenment and wisdom to help you discover, equip you and activate your confidence so you can further discern what will enhance your life, the lives of your husband, the lives of your children, and all the lives you touch...the Ripple Effect! (Value: Unlimited)

Life Changing Transformation!



Best deal! - OPTIONAL UPGRADE! (available for a limited time only)

  • Immediate access to all 7 modules
  • One on One call with Coach Karen to work on your specific needs and purposes following module 6 (Value $357)
  • Printable short answer workbook will be delivered to your email
  • Membership to the Self-Love community
  • Consistent feedback from your short answer submissions (Value $497)
  • Unlimited access to the course...you can take it over and over as a refresher!
  • If you are REALLY ready for a change and want to set yourself up for even quicker growth that will take off "like a rocket" then this is for you!

  • In addition to our one free session after module 6, you will receive:
  • 3 additional one-on-one sessions (the first one following module 1)

These one-on-one, 1-hour sessions that take what you are learning inside of this course and the module you are on, and go deeper and more complete to solidify the change you are ready, willing & able to make in your life.

Ask questions, and answer leading questions in order to gain deeper insight and greater strengthening in your walk with Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

Spaces are limited, so hurry.

Read the testimonials and see how these ladies' lives have changed.


Put the techniques you learn into practice. During our one-on-one sessions we will walk through some of the strategies and how best to incorporate them. This is a safe place where we work through some of your unique issues on your own confidence and fulfillment journey.

We will talk over some of your responses and how you can build upon these in your daily life. This will help your thoughts flow. We will also talk through some of your struggles and how you can best move forward to your intentional life built around the Holy Spirit, how to listen and incorporate what you hear into your life.

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!


If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Shine Your Light Masterclass, let us know within the first 30-days and we will talk through the steps you have taken to incorporate this method and how we can help to get you to the place you envisioned when you signed up. If you have internalized these and done the work and don't see progress, then we will refund your tuition. Our goal is to help each and every person who signs up, and we want you to get the results you deserve.

Are my results guaranteed?

Like anything in life, you will get out of this masterclass what you put into it. While we do offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, the results you get are up to you. We can promise that if you commit to the process and put in the work, you will see results.

Can I share course info with a friend?

The insights you learn will definitely be share-worthy. In order for your friends to get the best results, they must sign up to take the masterclass themselves. If one of your friends do want to sign up, then email us that you have shared this, and if they sign up, we will send you a free gift for sharing!

Do you have any incentives if I refer a friend?

Yes! You will receive a free gift for each friend you send our way. Simply email us when your friend signs up, and we will send it immediately!

When will I get my free Bonus Session?

You will receive a link following module 6 to sign up for your bonus one-on-one coach session. If you miss it, simply email us and we will get the link sent to you!

I loved this masterclass and want more! What other courses do you offer?

We’re so glad you loved this masterclass. We are in the process of developing more courses, but in the meantime, we do offer 2 different one-on-one coaching courses, which are 90-day and 120-day courses. We invite you to email us, and we will get you all set up! In the future, we will be putting together group coaching sessions as well so you can learn from other students through this manner. We find that hearing others stories help you to overcome some of your own personal struggles.

It's just a bad chapter. Change the chapter.

You are the author.

"I love the format! It is so easy to follow. I love all the scripture that is included, which made me stop and think more purposeful. I thought about my goals, but that was really hard for me because of my current situation. This study provided me with extra realization of what I want my life to truly be."

Renee H.

"Karen has a teaching style that makes you want to dig in and pay attention to the lesson"


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7-Week Journey to Confidence and Fulfillment

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